GoKunming Forums

Blind Massage guy Jason with electro muscular shock treatment

rojosuave (9 posts) • 0

Howdy! I have an odd request... I used to go to a little Blind Massage place in the Beichen area who had this awesome electro muscular shock machine but the shop has vanished. I took a small holiday and the shop was gone when I returned. Does anyone know where they went?! The Guy who does it is named Jason and he speaks very good english. The electro muscular thing is similar to the ones at Chiropractors offices in America except he would wet his hands and massage while doing the shock treatment through his hands. It's pretty awesome. Any information on where I can get this type of treatment would be appreciated.

abcdabcd (428 posts) • 0

is that safe? anything with the word "shock" in it scares me.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

I suspect he is referring to Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). If that's it then it's safe if you know how to set it. I'm not sure how a blind guy would read the dials though.

gbtexdoc (218 posts) • 0

I don't know about Jason, but you can buy battery operated TENS machines in large pharmacies here. These run on one "D" cell battery and have four gel coated electrode pads.

Most large TCM clinics and the two major TCM hospitals sometimes use electro-accupuncture, which might give similar results to what you experienced with Jason. I've seen it done, and it doesn't appear very comfortable.

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