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Dirty toilets in McD! OMG!LOL!

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

Aficionados of the golden arches might like to know that a new branch has opened on HongShan Dong Lu. That's 20 minutes walk from WenLingJie, 200m south of Slice of Heaven (I doubt Barbara's losing any sleep). It's been open just 2 weeks. I'll be checking out the washrooms in due course. (New cinema in the same complex too)

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

The McCafe is pretty much a public restroom at Nanya Fengqing Shopping Mall. There are public restrooms inside the mall itself a few floors up. They are very clean and resemble 4 star hotel bathrooms.

The MCD just has the best outdoor location and only free ground floor bathroom outside, so guess what happens at a nice outdoor walking mall like Nanya...

Silvio DaVinci (282 posts) • 0

Leave the rag as a culture and the next morning you'll have fresh burgers.
Just don't ask where they come from so quickly or why they are green.
PS: KFC (in Canada in the 90's) used to be the worst chain I have ever been to. That was the year (one of many) they were in the process of filing for bankrupcy. They sold frying pan oil and Chicken grease as special dipping sauce. (I nearly puked up seeing it). And the burgers and Chicken pieces looked like as if Max (Two Broke Girls - tv series) had one of her cheesecake punching tantrums and mashed them.
2nd worst place: MacDonalds in France. OMG! How can they call French fries French? The worst MacDonalds standards in the world: cold fries, cold burgers, cold everything except the milkshake which gives you the runners. You order 3 combo's (fries, drink, burger) with your friends, you get 1 item each correct but cold, one wrong item and 3rd item missing. When you ask them to fix it they tell you it's a mixup and have to swap items with your friends as they probably have it. You tell them it's not right and items are missing they look at you and curse, saying you ate them or probably hide them. LOL!

zhulaoye (83 posts) • 0

The times I have been to Mcdonald's, one or the other here in KM, I have found the bathrooms to be cleaner than any of the Chinese restaurants I have been to. Are we supposed to be able to eat off the floor to give a passing mark or what? I mean McDonald's is certainly the type of place people the world over likes to pick on criticize, but at least they have a restroom that is, for the most part, clean enough to use and the eating area is clean enough to eat in without being revolted. I cannot say I have yet to eat at a McD's or KFC where the floor is littered constantly with wadded up napkins, cigarette butts and chicken bones. If there are some, as many (not all)the Chinese patrons tend to use the same lack of manners where ever they go, the staff gets it cleaned up in a reasonable amount of time. They remove trays from the table in acceptable time and what is all the talk about the "McDonald's rag"? That is the same technique used throughout most of China in even the most expensive restaurants. It is not an isolated McD's issue. The McD's here is also staffed and managed by local Chinese people and there is always going to be an issue there, but I think the times I have been, which is not regularly by any stretch, there is no major complaint if one is going to compare it to any of the small local Chinese places or even many of the bigger expensive joints. I used a restroom at one of the Wen Hua Xiang places recently and the floor was covered in urine puddles that had been there for a long time. The squat toilet was filthy and I do not have to go into details I hope.

And for a burger I maintain that the 9 RMB cheese burger at McD's outdoes any other burger in KM, including those expensive near meatless (there is green and blue filler in mst of them, what is that stuff?) flops at Salvador's (no french fries there even and bread that disintegrates half way through the burger) the infamously rude ass French Cafe or over priced and overrated The Camel Bar. Basically the worst burger in the US becomes the best in KM, and the restrooms at the French Cafe or Salvador's (with Mr. T telling you you better not poop) are hardly anything that will be setting hygiene standards either. Lot of people just like picking on stuff that represents that "tasteless" American culture is all I guess and sound hip and cool. Okay to chomp down local Chinese junk food in the dirty little diarreha inducing dives all over the city as that makes you a tuned in and aware "expat". I went to McD's last night actually -now that I think about it- over by New City College and had a Milk tea and cup of corn and used the restroom and to be honest I have not one complaint. It was just a restroom and useable and far cleaner than the smelly, urine soaked ones in the Chinese places I eat at sometimes.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

I think what people mean is that McDonalds and KFC are brands that they are used to trusting. But the hygiene and service drastically deteriorates once they go to one in China and that surprises them:
-chinese standard of toilet cleaness (i once went in the toilets of kfc under carrefour on beijing lu and saw a turd in the urinals. Seriously)
-filthy day old rag that is left on the bin and then used to swipe tables that are still full of bacteria from previous eaters who spat his chicken bones on them
-waiters who refuse to serve because of their own opinions ("i think one person can't eat more than three ketchup bags")

It's true that many other restaurants IN CHINA are the cleanest, but that yydoesn't mean i accept to lower my standards and just submit to what is given. I previously posted a question about choosing between a bottle of milk that had gone for about 4 months and one that had gone off gor 8 months. In a reply, one person said that they would choose to drink the four month old one as a better choice, but i would refuse to drink any milk that has gone off. Same goes for the level of hygiene and service that is lower than usual standards.

Although i am a regular take away fan of McDonalds, none of their beef burgers come anywhere close to what a good burger should taste or even look like.
I don't know if you have tried it, but the bacon cheeseburger at O'Reilley's is delicious and it's served with authentic chips. And their toilets are also consistantly kept clean.

Tom69 (151 posts) • 0

Well my experience has also been that toilets at McDonald's and KFC's in China are reasonably clean, for the most part. It doesn't surprise me that there are occasional exceptions, but in a country which has some of the worst toilets in the world to the point where it's becoming something of a tradition to share "Chinese toilet jokes" with fellow expats, travellers and the folks back home, it should come as little surprise.

I think that perhaps one day soon the Chinese government may start promoting "shocking Chinese toilet tours" to international guests for a new kind of "weird China experience". Just remember to breath through your mouth and bring a mask.

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