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hillaryrong (7 posts) • 0

Does anybody know some charity organization and donation institution for foreigner who can't affort the medical fees. My English teacher was now suffered the serious paralyzing and lung infected,but he was not enough money to pay for the hospital .last week he was in the danger list of hospital. now he have to move a small hospital where are not necessary facilities and advanced instruments for treatment .I want to try my best to support the treatment, my power is limited.now I have no way to deal with the situation.I expected somebody who are warmhearted person show me a way to solve the problem!

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

I don't know of any organization in Kunming, but in cases like this it is recommended to contact the US Embassy

hillaryrong (7 posts) • 0

thanks,you suggestion! but before I was email two letters to the Embassy,until to now no any information and reply,but the things is so urgently .i don't know how i can do .

zlif23 (159 posts) • 0

I think you may call 8099999, the city news, to make a donation. Anyway let the city know this, I think there will be lots of people would like to help.

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