GoKunming Forums

earplugs in Kunming

GeogramattGeogramatt (203 posts) • 0

Anyone have any idea where to buy earplugs in Kunming?
I tried the main pharmacies, and Watsons, to no avail.

By the way, just to be clear (since the manager at Watsons wasn't), when I say "earplugs" I'm talking about the rubber or foam things you stick in your ears when you want to block sound, not earphones, which are for listening to music.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

They had them in B&Q a couple of months ago.
Take a picture of them from internet, and show it to the guys in the tool section. They are near, but not in the tool section. Sort of in the cross aisle outside the back end of the tool section last time. Maybe take a picture of the earmuff type as well, as they are next to each other.

If it is for protecting your sanity, insulating yourself from the madness, then I found the noise reducing in-ear headphones helped a lot. Noise cancelling would be even better, but more expensive. Heavy metal makes sense of it all, and I also use white/pink/brown noise. This is noise of MY choice, and not the alien noise that abounds.

debaser (647 posts) • 0

if they're for general noise rather than for safety/power tools, some pharmacies have them. they're in a small white plastic packs with the 3M logo and some writing in red. I found that only one chain of pharmacies has them... I can't remember the name but it has an aqua or blue-green sign and may say 'Health Food Shop' on it. they're a couple of kuai a pair.

Taobao also has them if you want to buy bulk (otherwise the postage makes it uneconomical)! I got some from there last week.

Gompo (152 posts) • 0

i used some earplugs with some avail. personally i feel easily invaded or colonized by curious aliens or egui (hungry ghosts, peta) as i call them in my analysis

i guess i wouldnt mind the sound if it was wuwei but i have a tendency to analyze some beings as wuwei killers. for instance, birds often make noises i like. recently in our compound they seemed play "tibet, tipi, polygon, polyglott"

GeogramattGeogramatt (203 posts) • 0

Found some today.

At the Borentang (博仁堂) pharmacy on the corner of Yi Er Yi and Jianshe Road.

Cost 3 kuai a pair.

hasenmanhasenman (48 posts) • 0

Gompo, Good luck with the aliens and keep listening to birds! :)

debaser, maybe he is, maybe he is...haha

GeogramattGeogramatt (203 posts) • 0

Unfortunately, Chinese online shopping is not an option for those of us with Apple computers. Those e-banking USB sticks which are required for all online transactions...they do not work on Apples.

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