Anyone have any idea where to purchase tickets?
Searched for the Expo on Baidu, found a half-assed website, which doesn't contain any information about tickets, and the contact information provided on the website doesn't work.
Can we just show up and buy tickets at the door? I'm just worried that with all the security concerns they may demand to see my ticket before they let me into the grounds...
Sorry for the totally unhelpful post but.. what is the South Asia Expo? What's it all about? And is it worth going to?
I'm not totally sure myself. On the surface it sounds like a mini-version of the World Expo that took place in Shanghai in 2010. But whereas that event was mainly intended to promote the cultural and tourism resources of participating countries, I have a feeling that this will more resemble a trade show, with the emphasis on fostering business ties between Kunming and South Asian countries, which fits into China's strategy to build up Kunming as a transportation hub and "bridgehead" to South and Southeast Asia. For that reason alone, I think this could be a fairly interesting event to check out. If I can only find out how to get a ticket.
It should be 30rmb for the fun and crowded part meaning the import export fair. But that's been around prior years.
This Expo may not be opened to the public by purchasing a ticket like the import fair. Like you said, it's more like a trade show, so you may have to bring a business card and passport and register for a visitor's badge. Usually those are free and available on site for foreigners.
This year the Expo is held in conjunction with the annual trade fair. It seems to be an attempt to place Kunming at the center of a trade bloc that would include ASEAN member nations and South Asian countries such as India, Bangladesh and Nepal. They are considering dropping tariffs in an attempt to increase regional trade in Asia. You can read more here:[...]
As for tickets, or how to get in, I'm looking into it.
mini update:
I met someone today who attended the Expo. He said tickets are available at the entrance, but that there is only one ticket booth for thousands of attendees. He and everyone else had to wait in line for three hours. Way to go, Kunming!
Met someone who went there at 8 am yesterday for the opening but couldn't get in. They were told the public could get in only from 5 pm on the 1st day.
looks like they had a nice opening ceremony though (although they don't call it that):
Tickets are sold at the gate for 30RMB. There is along line, but it moves quickly. It is a very good trade show and I will go back again. As for those people who want to post criticisim of Kunmings handling, they should have stayed home. The city officials are doing a great job in crowd control and hospitality.
I highly recommend a visit . But if you don't like crowds, stay home !
A friend told me that as a foreigner you just have to bring your passport and dont have to pay any entry-fee...