GoKunming Forums

Oh, the nonstop construction

geekrider (28 posts) • 0

All week, all day long. Ok, I can deal with the noise and dust during the waking hours.

Now dudes are shoveling bricks in to a truck. It's 11pm. Wonder when they'll stop. . .

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

As long as they're getting paid, it won't stop. Oh the humanity!

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

Haha, it goes on all night in my community. Thankfully my building is located at the other end and my window faces the opposite way. However, I can still hear a squeak every 1 minute, and truck horns every 3-5 minutes.
tigertiger previously suggested putting on earphones with a white noise track playing. It works for me.

geekrider (28 posts) • 0

Well, I must've been really exhausted by Chinese society yesterday because shortly after sending my note, even with the work going gangbusters, I managed to fall asleep unaided. :-)

Gompo (152 posts) • 0

All the more tall buildings, nonsismicals, unecologicals and half empty, isnt it ?

Must be some rock demoness linked to it

Gompo (152 posts) • 0

ja, since last two day they r making construction (?) work other appartment near my bedroom

for crucifixion time i wake up with a jackhammer near my head

must really b some curse on me or some rock demonessess around mi

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