GoKunming Forums

motorbike trouble and questions

Dave Conway (1 post) • 0


I've been here four 4 weeks now and I've got myself an ebike i'm happy with, but that happiness can only go so far. Before i came to Kunming I lived in the north and had a great little motorbike... it was fast, nippy, looked good, and never had any problems. The ebike for me just pales in comparison.

I noticed on my ebike that there is a hole where i would consider to be the petrol hole on a motorbike so I thought that perhaps it might be possible to convert it by just gutting the electrics and adding an engine. Anyone have any info on such a crazy idea?

Looking at things another way I could just buy a motorbike instead, but I was told that due to the new laws regarding motorbikes (which are down to pollution) there are no new motorbikes available to purchase. Does anybody have an more information on this? If this is wrong then where can I get a brand new motorbike?

Can anyone help?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

On YingHai Lu. Turn right off DianChi Lu at the traffic lights (on the bend about 1.5km N of Minority village and HongTaLu). The bike shop is on the left, it is big. I think it is Yamaha and they do service and repairs. Bikes start at about 7000.

I would not bother trying to convert. The brakes will not be up to more power, ditto suspension, drive, wheels, etc.

If you want to be clean, look for a brand of scooter called Forever, they do LPG. Lots of bike shops on HuanCheng Lu (the inner ring).

Niconanhai (30 posts) • 0

Also keep in mind that motorbikes are not allowed within the second ring road of Kunming.
Also, in Anning, where i am living are several motorbike shops, i bought mij Suzuki scooter there, it is 125 cc and very confortable, but not very fast.

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