GoKunming Forums

Pizza with decent sauce

abcdabcd (428 posts) • 0

I wasn't impressed with Theresa's Pizza. But the place has gotten some good reviews. Guess it's a matter of taste. None of the pizza I've tried in China has enough tomato sauce for my liking.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

A lot depends on what you are used to. If you grew up on PapaJ and Pizza Shack, then Pizzas in Italy would disappoint.

In GZ they think food in the rest of China is crap. Personally, I was brought up on food that is more akin to HK style. I also love going to HK as I can eat out without worrying that ecoli and/or salmonella are essential ingredients.
My Chinese family think that no dish is complete without numb nuts (huajiao) and chilli.

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