I now have a copy of the 2013 English Driver's license test (PM me if you want a copy), and I am reading about the first year probationary period of your new license. You can't drive on freeways, you can't drive emergency vehicles (oh well...), and I heard from my Mandarin teacher that you also can't drive alone. I wanted to make sure this probationary period does not apply to foreigners who are transferring their existing drivers license over.
Can anyone confirm this? I've never heard of people having to deal with this but wanted a sanity check.
There was no probationary period for "transferring foreigners" two years ago. It might have changed?
No probabtion time last month.
But they did want to see a residence permit
Yeah that's fine. I already went and submitted all my paperwork and scheduled my test, so I had to give them all the required info, including a copy of the residence registration, which was sufficient. I don't have a residence permit.
It used to say the same in the old regs.
1 yr probation, carry probation sticker on car.
Then 6yr licence.
I did my test, with existing licences from OS, the license issued is valid 6 years. I guess that means no probation, as I am not a 'green driver'.