If a foreigner dresses very nicely, acts sophisticated and aloof, and speaks in a nice but professional manner to the bouncer, he can get in. But I would ask why he would want to!
Edit: club owners care about making money. That is the point of a business. I suspect that the problem is less racism, and more financial. If a foreigner looks like a big spender, I bet they will let him in!
Wait wait wait!!! "she"?? hahahahahah how did "she" piss on the tables???
i really just loled !!
Kundu, like most other places in the world, is dynamic and changing, for better or worse, all the time. I just went to a new venue in Kundu, Jinshengyuan Live House, and it was awesome, so whether you hate Muse, Top One, David and Babi or not, I wouldn't be so hasty to just say 'Kundu sucks', it's a little bit too sweeping a statement. Kundu, ultimately, is what you make of it, I've had just as nice a time in Babi as I've had in Mask. In the end, foreigners probably keep going to Kundu because that's where the chinese go, and most of us aren't in China just to hang out with other laowai; we actually wanna encounter chinese people.
Kundu is what the local businesses and the clientele make of it. Most are locals.
foreigner go to kundu to pick up lecherous girls and pay the pimps exorbitant fees for drinks for the privilege.
and i as thinking getting wasted and doing crazy thing is what kundu is about. no wonder some people get all the fun.
tsk tsk now i understand why kundu is boring for me.
There is a DJ mixer desk for sale in clas. at the moment. I wonder if it has a slight smell of wee.
I went to So Ho once!! Choosing a club like the throw of dice.... 50rmb for a, hot, not warm beer???.......ONCE!!!!
Mask please.......
GoKunming was recently contacted by one of the owners of Muse. He told us bars in Kundu were approached by PSB officers in the run-up to Kunming hosting the South Asia Expo in June. Bar owners were told if foreigners without proper visas were found in their venues the owners would have to pay out of pocket to return said foreigners to their home countries.
This doesn't explain away all the problems people have listed in the above comments, but it does offer a window onto current Kundu policy.