GoKunming Forums

HSK5 oriented school

Inthelivinfor (50 posts) • 0

Hi everybody! My goal is to pass HSK5.

Right now i guess i have poor hsk4 (i dont mean hsk4 is a poor level, what i want to say is that it wouldn't be that easy for me to pass the hsk4) level so i would like to study for just for that.

Is there any private school that could help me with the visa in KM?

And if it is not way too expensive i will be really happy :)

I am kind of sick of talking about weddings in university lessons.

Big gao (1 post) • 0

Hi, mate! I am a native speaker of the Chinese Language, if you want too learn Chinese with a private teacher, please contact me at positivegao@hotmail.com. I think I can help you to pass the HSK5. Good luck!


Preston Hu (1 post) • 0

Hello, I was born and live in kunming for more than 20 years, and I am a chinese and english teacher who have pass the ICA, a national test for chinese to foreign student. I would like to help if you wants, my number is 18087263106, welcome to call!!

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