GoKunming Forums

Lindt chocolate in Kunming

chris8080 (226 posts) • 0

I'm coming back to Kunming from England soon and need to bring back some gifts for some students and employers, most of whom are middle aged ladies so I think I can't go too wrong with chocolate. I'm planning to buy a few bars of Lindt chocolate (specifically this one: www.lindtusa.com/[...] But I don't want to get something which is easily available in Kunming. Does anyone know if you can get this chocolate there? If so, any other suggestions for a chocolate-themed gift which isn't easily available in China?

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

Not sure bringing chocolate is a good idea, they don't really eat it much. Plus you can get pretty good chocolate here (noticed the Ritter stuff for a record low 9 RMB at metro the other day). Try things that are distinctly English like English toffee or other candy. Otherwise try a souvenir shop and get distinctly English themed scarves, gloves (not umbrellas as san sounds like breaking up!) or small gifts, keyrings and the like. Honey always goes down well too! Though I am from NZ so can bring manuka honey easily. ..

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Things that always go down well, when offered.

All butter shortbread,
M&S luxury assorted biscuits.
M&S any biscuit in a display box or tin.

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

Lindt is probably nothing special. Also if you check on Taobao you'll see hundreds of shops selling it. And I disagree with Bubbles: Chocolate is a winner, especially if you can find the handmade artisan stuff. My wife's sister and aunts practically begged me to bring as much along as I could carry last time I went home. Remember (as you know) that Chinese chocolate doesn't even begin to compare to the real stuff.

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