I've been studying at Yunnan Normal for three semesters and never went to Yunnan University so I'm obviously biased.... But this is what I know about it...
Yunnan Normal:
1.Offers the most teaching hours for the money you pay - tuition fee is 6000 RMB for one semester and you get 18 hrs/ week (or 4000 RMB for half of the classes)
2.Has smaller classes, maximum 12studens per class – which will give you a lot more speaking time, and if you're lucky a really small class with just a few students
3.The teachers are usually really good, especially at intermediate and advanced levels
4.The classes are usually mixed with both Asians and westerners, and most of the students are truly awsome
5.The school cafeteria is excellent
6.The dorms are supposedly better than the Yunda ones
1.The campus is not really nice, and the classrooms feel like middle school
2.The teaching methods are weird –but on the other had this is china and you'll encounter this problem at any given school
3.The new headmaster is a fucking idiot who goes over the head of the teachers and, as of this semester, interferes with the content of the tests etc.
Yunnan University:
1.Nicer campus
2.More prestigious – but that's only relevant if you're studying a MBA or Phd course, it doesn't mean shit for the non-degree language courses
3.I think the tuition fee is 200 kuai cheaper – but you also get fewer teaching hours
1.Bigger classes with about 20 students in every class
2.Classes stars at 8.30 every morning (my main reason to never join that uni)
3.We rarely see the Yunda students out and about and have the general conception (true or not) of them being quite boring...
With that said I might also ad that a lot of students are looking at the private schools because they're not thrilled about the teaching style at the universities... good luck!