GoKunming Forums

Sidewalk-driving woman ordered to wear 'idiot' sign as punishment

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

If they were to do this here the every sidewalk would be filled with people wearing 'idiot' signs. Ha.ha.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

The most effective punishment I have seen here, is to cost people time. Everyone local I meet seems obsessed with time. Middle class don't worry about fines. Poor people can't afford them, or are disproportionately fined,relative to income. A minute is a minute, an hour is an hour, same for all.

Make someone park their bike (maybe police lock an key), then go stand in a queue to pay a nominal fine at the nearest police post. Once the queue gets down to 10 people the officer has a break or is busy with some other paperwork. No fapio, no bike. At the end of the day, uncollected bikes are taken away and sold off.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

A few years back we were driving down the south end of Dianchi Lu. I noticed that far too many e-bikes were in the vehicle lane, but of course the bike lane was full of pedestrians who could not walk on the sidewalk which was full of cars!

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

In the USA (shameless plug for the USA - if you can stand the taxation AND how they give your money away to EVERYONE but you)...driving on the sidewalk is a moving violation and is called reckless (as opposed to wreck-less?) driving. It comes with a HEFTY fine, a chewing out by the arresting cop, AND (worst of all) a humongous spike in your vehicle insurance (think an additional USD 1k per year minimum...).

In KM - we have no consistent and effective traffic enforcement aside from the intersection cameras - so EVERYONE drives like a farmer on a tractor...except they're driving not less than 2-3x the speed of a tractor in a densely populated area.

EVERYONE needs to walk, pedal, e-bike, or drive with awareness...as if you're gonna die, cuz KM doesn't have enforceable traffic rules - which is an indication of cultural obedience to laws (example contracts and enforcement are a joke).

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

Laotou, I disagree a little bit. Kunming does have ENFORCEABLE traffic rules. What it does not have is ENFORCED traffic rules!

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

On the brighter side Kunming's driving has become somewhat better, downtown anyway, when I first came to KM red lights at intersections were merely a suggestion.

And traffic was terrible without the second ring road...worse durring it's construction

I overheard heard two locals talking about their sons, one father praised of his son being a doctor when he grows up.. the other father said his son wasnt getting good grades so his son will have a lifetime career as a construction worker on the Kunming subway system.

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