Hello all,
I recently moved to this temperate city from the (soon to be) frigid Xi'an, and have enjoyed every minute of it so far. I've been busy looking online for ESL teaching jobs and have talked to a few expats about working here. I check the classifieds daily here on gokunming, but have found very very little on echinacities or daveseslcafe. Could anyone help a brother out with tips on finding work in Kunming or even schools that are currently hiring (private lessons you can't or don't want to take)? It would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a million.
You got to be kidding. There are 2 ads as I type this.
yup, two ads from employers I've already contacted.
If you contacted recently then OK, wait for a bit. If you contacted a while ago, then I would suggest that there is either a problem with your CV, your status, or some other issue you have as yet not mentioned to us.
There have been loads of job ads in the last few weeks. Try going back a and applying for all suitable jobs advertised in the last month.
I've had a few interview/ demos so far, and am waiting to hear back. I've only been here for a week mind you, and am just trying to look for the best options. I'll take a look back further into the jobs classifieds, thanks.
You usually here back very quickly after a demo. Sometimes immediately. It is good that you won't let it stop your job search waiting.
thanks, bro.
and liuminke, i dont know what happened in your life to make you such a sourpuss, but you im not going to engage you. SO STOP SENDING ME MESSAGES!