GoKunming Forums

Worth getting TESOL diploma and Acadia TESOL school

Driggyfish (4 posts) • 0

They have done a runner to Europe. Accreditat have cancelled their accreditation as they have de-frauded them as well as a University here in Kunming and many other individuals. I'm sure the rotten crook will set up in Europe!!!

Karina17 (70 posts) • 0

@sbarella : I am doing right now my TESOL online with Ontesol for CAD400$.
They are pretty serious, they have accreditation and I am satisfied with the courses so far (I have done half of them).
I have chosen them after two weeks research on Internet to find the best certificate provider.

I definitely recommend them ;)

The University of Toronto is doing an online program too, but not the same price at all... if you are ok to pay more, I would suggest you to do a CELTA or a Trinity Tesol (they can be done online now).

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