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soy sauce and other condiments without msg

AndrewDAndrewD (72 posts) • 0

"well, it's 'scientists'. so how come they're wrong?"

This pretty much sums up what you know about the scientific method. Nothing.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

what am i supposed to know? people think science is never wrong and the scientific method is bulletproof. it's simply not the case. you can easily look back in history and find countless examples where science has been wrong.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

Who said science can't be wrong? The entire point of the scientific method is to be wrong at least half the time! Testing hypothesis and finding it to be right in one instance, then later finding it to be wrong in another instance is the whole point. Even when science is wrong, it's right! This is why people still test concrete theories like general relativity, they think it might not be right given x, y, z, so find new and innovative ways to test it. And usually they end up supporting the lore, sometimes they find something new, or very rarely cause a paradigm shift of knowledge - a watershed moment that fundamentally changes our understanding of the universe.

How media interprets science and it's relationship with scientists is what most people don't understand. If you read anything about a new scientific advancement in the media, don't trust it. This is because MSM is only interested in controversial stories that will sell more papers or get more clicks. Go to the source and learn the truth, don't take some idiot reporters word for it as they have selectively chosen facts for their own purposes. Posting articles like you did Magnifico in claims that scientists have a screw loose or that science is plain silly.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Many American lay men have been so ingrained with dogma that they believe things to be infallible and so when science refines and changes their understanding of things, they use that to discredit everything science has done. In their mind everything is black and white, either believe in everything or nothing at all.

I think a lot of the religious nuts are so against science is because science has dis-proven so many of their cherished beliefs that they genuinely sees it as a threat to their sense of the world. They prefer to live in an altered reality where everything is just and right rather than being open minded and accept reality.

Faith and spirituality is something mankind will always need, but institutionalized religion as a means of spreading propaganda to control the minds of the masses must be stamped out in order for us to evolve beyond all these pettiness.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Science is about a constant open-ended rational advancement in the pursuit of logically consistent Truth. Constant revision goes on and is necessary to account for new information, & there is a constant attempt to establish greater comprehensiveness for theories. Science is a tool, and a very good one, but the equation Science (and only science) = (the only) Truth, is ridiculous. Those who think otherwise often take Science as a kind of religion, although they think they are replacing it. Unfortunately, some scientists themselves seem to have this belief, though not the best ones.

Science makes certain philosophical assumptions that have a quicksand consistency when they're taken to be absolute. It's a tool, used for logical investigations, but you can't paint a picture with a box end wrench.

@Tonyoad: Please don't take this as a pitch for 'religion', although I think there's more to be said for religion than what you seem to think. The point is, science is NOT religion and religion is NOT science, and every time they get mixed up with each other they indeed get all mixed up with themselves.

Ahem - I have spoken.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0


I share you sentiments and I agree that there is a place for religion. However, I am against people looking at the world only through religion, specifically Christianity in the States and Islam in the Middle East.

And of course there are the other extreme, people that take science as the truth and attack religion for all the ills of society. Truth is, there is room for both.

blue. (170 posts) • 0

ehi welcome back Magnifico. not so interesting post (soy free, but using barbeque sauce....so what?..no large quantities of preservatives...wow, such a healthy recipe, amazing!..)

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

haha. ok. true. can't fool or easily impress a real-world chef, right?

blue. (170 posts) • 0

You don't need to be a chef to understand what is a useful and what is a useless post. That is called common sense.

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