GoKunming Forums


blobbles (958 posts) • 0

Ones I have been taught/picked up:

ni za ga le ma? - do you have a problem/is everything OK? Say it with all the syllables run together and don't really worry about tones much.
scherla - OK, usually said twice - scherla, scherla - kind of high first tone then neutral second tone

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

ran de le! ran de le! I know! I know!
ran bu de! ran bu de!- I don't know! I don't know!

wangjingling (4 posts) • 0

we say "mo", "ke", "geshi", "te" ... a lot as well. remember "mei-(sounds like ma in mate)ni-" means pretty girl, "shuaiguo" means handsome boy!

sean1sean1 (82 posts) • 0

Just taking this from the other forums post, think it is a little more specific

First and perhaps most important think to know about kunminghua is how to ask a yes or no question. Standard mandarin has its sentences end with the particle ma, as in 你吃饭了吗

Kunminghua however takes the question paricle MA and replaces it with gei put before the verb, as in 你给吃饭啦(note:le often becomes la as an ending particle)

Second, the possesive particle de becomes ne, like '我呢朋友','是我呢'

you'd probably answer the question saying '吃啦,吃啦。'

the word how, 怎么zenme in Mandarin, becomes 咋个zage(zaw-gah) in Kunminghua. Mandarin-你怎么那么笨 Kunminghua-你咋个那么笨

to say the word 'know' mandarin-知道zhidao becomes 认得rende or 少的shaode, negative form being 认不得 or 少不得

as in 我认不得 or 我认不得要咋个走

The verb 'to go' changes from qu in Mandarin to ke in Kunminghua

Mandarin-你要一起去吃饭吗? Kunminghua-你给要一起克吃饭啦

The word Where, 哪里nali, becomes 哪点nadian(naw-dian) in Kunminghua.

Mandarin- 你要去哪里? Kunminghua- 你要克哪点

One of my favorite parts of Kunminghua is the expressive sound, Mehhhhhhhhhhhh, which is represented with 汉字 using 。It represents sort of astonishment or annoyance with something, as seen in this sentence, "(mehhhh), 你这个人咋个这样?"

Also, like the sound in beijing, or the sound that is an ending particle that serves nothing but a stylistic purpose, are used in kunming with ga,sai, and la- with being the most predominant one that is identified by 老外. It is impossible to say when exactly each of these is used, so you just have to listen and figure out when it fits, sorta of like

我要走了嘎 or 没问题噶

Finally There are a few great words that make Kunminghua really humorous as well

老表laobiao- the same as what American's might call a 'redneck,' or what the brits might call a 'wanker.' Just someone with very little 素质 who does things

勺婆shaopo- is an insult for a 'bitch' or a woman that is sort of stupid or lacks common knowledge. and means kind of an ADJ for stupid or cuntish.

亥子haizi- is sometimes used for shoes or 鞋子 in Mandarin.

also 买买三三maimaisansan, is sort of like saying 'Oh my god.'

In my non-expert opinion this is about all you need to know, no software necessary...Anything anyone might want to add go ahead...any of this could be wrong, but probably isnt.

YuantongsiYuantongsi (717 posts) • 0

I have also noticed that people can use Ga to make sure you understand a question or a statement, for eg: if you say a location to the taxi driver and he looks a bit puzzled, say it again with a firm Ga at the end.

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