GoKunming Forums

Be careful lads

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

My wife translated some of the spewing. They had huge loudspeakers on a truck and there were some 15-20 mianbaoches lined up with banners and stuff. It looked VERY organized although I of course can't say for sure if it was approved by the local government or not. There were police posted in groups in the 4 corners of the square so at the very least they were noticed beforehand. I wonder if the Chinese are aware how much it could hurt them if Japanese citizens were killed in China and also how other Asian nations take note of this behaviour. If the fear of China exceeds the respect it's plausible that some will be pushed into the arms of American security treaties and/or a joint Asian defence cooperation.

debaser (647 posts) • 0

Baidu's home page today had an image of some islands with a giant Chinese flag sticking out. i wonder what they were trying to say... subtle. this racist bullshit will die down once the power transitions are completed but it is retarded... like the guy on Chinasmack.com who bought about 20 KFC family buckets to protest against their lack of hygiene. and i find it very hard to believe that these 'protests' couldn't be broken up or stopped if they had the will to do so.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

I am with geezer on this one.

This is a topic where we cannot have a useful outcome for the following reasons:

1 Your preaching to the choir
2 We will alienate the few locals who make a valualble contribution to this site
3 GoKunming risks attracting the attention of those who cannot have a reasonable debate, the woo mao armee, nacionilizt trollls etc.

I am outside of the greet fur wall this week and I have had a lot of trouble accessing GoKunming today. Call me paranoid, but that does not mean that we are not being watched.

xiashengli (46 posts) • 0

allowed by government doesn't equal to government approved? anyhow I don't think it wise to say murder all japanese and smash japanese cars,I feel ashamed about those so called patriots.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Looking at this more objectively (and bluntly - capitalistically) - I'm wondering if I should buy a busted up Japanese car that barely runs - park it near the next protest group, incite the group to destroy it (subtlety), take videos (via news feeds and online blogs), then claim the insurance...and get a new car.

May as well sell short in a down market, right (for those of you who know what that means)...

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