GoKunming Forums

Flights and visas from Kunming

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

[... thread cntd from Private Joker's "Psychological Help" thread!]

I'm interested in countries near Yunnan that I can fly to directly, esp if they require no visas, or visas can be obtained in Kunming. Can anyone confirm or update this information (for UK/US/OZ travellers) ...

Vietnam, Hanoi (visa? from where?)
S. Korea, Seoul (no visa req'd?)
Burma, Rangoon (visa from Kunming)
India (nearest visa issuing office in Chiang Mai, Thailand?)
Cambodia (visa avalaible in KM?)
Laos (visa available in KM?)
Thailand (free tourist visa on arrival?)
Malaysia (no visa req'd?)
Singapore (no visa req'd?)
Bangladesh (where's the nearest place I can get this visa from? Bangkok?)
HongKong (no visa req'd?)

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