GoKunming Forums

Qujing - worth visiting?

chris8080 (226 posts) • 0

Anyone been to Qujing before; is it worth visiting? I'm not too bothered about sightseeing, I'm more interested in good nightlife, meeting interesting locals, practicing my Chinese and drinking beer. Who knows, possibly even getting laid. Any recommendations for nightlife in Qujing would be most welcome.

TICexpats (207 posts) • 0

Great Bacon / ham up there, but if .......

if your looking to get laid (cheaply) try Xishuanbanna, post back and let us know how it works out for you.

chris8080 (226 posts) • 0

Just thought I'd post an update on this as there doesn't seem to be much information out there on Qujing. I just got back from there and had a totally awesome time. If you're looking for somewhere to go sightseeing or do wholesome activities during the day, forget it - there's nothing in Qujing. But if, like me, you're content to spend the day sleeping in your hotel room and then party all night, go to Qujing.

I stayed in the Jinlin hotel which is a 4 star but only 230 RMB a night - you'd easily pay 400 RMB in Kunming, but Qujing is cheap. The Jinlin hotel is great, the staff are professional, rooms are nicely laid out and I had a nice view of the city. There were a few minor issues like some peeling wallpaper and difficulties turning on the TV and in-room computer, although small details like this don't bother me at all, and the latter was more due to my technical ineptitude rather than a fault with the hotel.

During the night the place to go is Nan Cheng (南城) - this is where all the clubs are. On my first night I went to a club early, ordered 12 bottles of Budweiser (200 RMB) and was immediately surrounded by people interested in meeting me and telling me how amazing my chinese is, despite the fact that it's actually very very poor. You see, Qujing receives hardly any foreigners (I didn't see a single one during my 3 days there), so as a Lao Wai you receive a great deal of attention. I guess if I lived there the lack of anonymity could get a bit much, but for a short trip it can be fun to be treated like a rockstar.

Anyway, in short, Qujing is a great place to visit, only 1.5 hours from Kunming by train. I had a great time, made a load of friends and, yes, even got laid (...big time). Visit Qujing.

blobbles (958 posts) • +1

Just came back from the train station. Saw about 40 single travelling lao wai males getting on the train to Quijing. They were all eyeing each other up, were all dressed up for partying and most had at least 1 pocket full of condoms. Will be interesting to be in the Quijing maternity ward 9 months from now though for the ones that slip one past the goalie. Chris8080, what have you done?? I booked my ticket for tomorrow, hopefully its less crowded :-p

chris8080 (226 posts) • 0

Hahahaha. However on a serious note i have to add that the clubs in Qujing were all about 95% men. Truly a sausage fest. So if you're thinking of going there expressely to get laid, turn back. However for the skilled swordsman a mere 5% margin is no cause for alarm, so carry on sir.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Reminds me of the foreigner guy a few years back who boasted on the internet about all the women he conquered. Boast = To talk with too much pride about something you have or can do. Isn't this called Kiss and Tell?

Although Qujing City does not have much to see there are some great places to visit outside the city. The Sand Forest and 9 Dragon Waterfall are great places to visit.


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