GoKunming Forums


Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

Well we are all here, not because we are busy as hell at that particular moment.
I am here for good conversation. Sometimes hearing how others think, what they opine.

Most people here are pretty nice. And I mean the people that don't disagree with me, as well. With a lot of you guy I had different opinions and arguments.

Buuuut, you will never find a post or even thread from me, where I am just trolling and try to set people up and upset them or just try to be hurtful.

And then, when they answer put them on a black-list and insult or accuse them. And furthermore reject the info and answers I demand from others.

I am not an angel but I am for sure not here to troll.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Alex: I don't bother with attacking people's character and try to keep discussion to what they have to say. Sometimes I slip up.
Maybe I'm bored too, but I don't feel bored, which means I'm not.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

P.s. I actually don't even dislike CAMPO, I am sure somewhere deep deep deep down, beyond all this insecurity and family issues, hypocrisy and self righteousness, he is for sure a nice chap, has feelings and worries and momets of happiness. As I said I just don't believe him anymore, I think he is just trolling for attention and enjoying turning a good chat or thread into a freakshow, which I wrongly got pulled into, as well.

If not he wouldn't do it anymore, or apologize, or even just out of courtesy, compromise on certain points and arguments, or even just apologize for some of the things he has posted. Wouldn't be totally inhuman, would it?

I rather deal with a real neddy persona than with a fake HFCAMPO.

Plus let neddy [or others] be chinese of the year, but he is not to proud or right to admitto be 'wrong' so for me he is real, he doesn't insist that he is correct, or will insist that his views are right. =Appearing human.

I am not defending him, some of his points are silly [IMO] but I agree that some of mine are perceived equally silly or dumb, aggressive, etc.

I know that and I am trying to be better.

So this was just a warning for another trolling attempt, if you guys already knew it, then my apologies for posing the warning...


[literally] all of you posters!!!

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@tuna: I think you're wrong about Campo, although I often disagree with him and also get annoyed with his frequent reliance on attacking personalities.
An argument, or a statement, is valid or invalid on its own, regardless of the personality of the person who makes it.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

Oh I totally agree with you the statement stands, until the person that defends it, as his or her WAY shows, that it is incorrect. then either the arguments falls or the person. At least the credibility.

Actually to be honest, I looked into a few of the conspiracy-all-evil theories very objectively [i don;t want to be run by pharma companies etc]. But it's not fact based. And if you want someone to believe or respect your opinion, you should respect theirs as well. Even if you disagree. And not just ridicule or offend.

But as I said I don't believe he posts for educating, sharing, or the greater good.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

I am here for good conversation. Sometimes hearing how others think, what they opine.

Hahahaha. I almost fell down laughing. Reality check!!!

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) = to reduce the potential financial liability of vaccine makers due to vaccine injury claims.

So if the govt + FDA + Pharma make up this program to help out BIG pharma - is that a conspiracy?

Is the govt looking out for the interests of the public or Big Pharma?

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Govt has to do some of both to maintain a semblance of legitimacy, but naturally they bend in the direction of those who control capital and/or other sources of power that reinforce government's own.

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