GoKunming Forums

URGENT: Help needed from an English speaking local

Alex Le (1 post) • 0


I'm not sure if this is too late, but I'm pretty sure I can handle with it.

I am a Chinese student who study abroad. Though I may not know many details about processing a visa. However, I could fluently write and speak English and Chinese and willing to help you!

Just send me a Email if you still need a help!

Alexlizeyuan at hotmail dot com

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

Let me clarify here for all. If you have your Z visa from HK then you go to Yunnan HR for your work permit book. The first time it takes longer and requires more than just a form filled out in Chinese. They have a list in Chinese of what they need and some items depend on what sort of organization is employing you. The form, several pictures a letter from the employer and more. The nice young lady there in Yunnan HR does not speak English. After you get your work permit then you can apply for your residence permit at PSB.

DryAndEasy (12 posts) • 0

I finally managed to apply at the 'Yunnan Human Resource Office'.
Thanks to all for you kind help, advices and offers!
@TICexpats: Thanks a lot for your suggestion, Jennifer is indeed a very nice and helpful person and tour guide :)

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