GoKunming Forums

New Subway

tommann (423 posts) • 0

So I heard that Kunming is building a subway. Very cool! Do we know yet what the routes will be?

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Any major street with blue sheet metal up is a route, except for all that stuff going up around Green Lake.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

Line 6 from the east bus station to the new airport opened last week along with the new airport.

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

The East Bus Station and Airport Metro stations have large maps up showing all the lines being built and those that are planned for later (in transparent). I was surprised to see a station being considered for the end of my street (off XueFuLu). Let's hope it materialises someday.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

Most likely it's the number one line from Chenggong, but I can't confirm that. I notice the article makes an error right from the start claiming it's the first line to be built, when the number 6 line went into operation 11 months ago. The reporter may have made the assumption that number one line equals first line.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

You're right. I've just checked Baidu Maps and there's a red line in Chenggong

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

Meanwhile, the number 6 line was only open to the east bus station, but according to the maps it's supposed to join up with that number 1 line. Does anybody know if that has happened?

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