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A bad day created by spam text.

willow33 (9 posts) • 0

I posted an English-teaching ad on 58-Tongcheng. Then I started to get texts from someone who offers TESOL program. I just ignored it. But I kept getting this message on daily basis. It is so annoying. Then today I sent a text back to this contact, just saying:" Can you please stop sending me ad text, if I get one more, I will report your message as spam text." Then I got an answer like this:" Don't be a loser, alright." I was like, what is that, you guys illegally collected cell numbers and send out ad everyday, how annoying is that?! Then I called back, a woman was yelling at me:"What the fuck is your problem..." then gave no time for me to talk, hung off.. The last text I got is :" Deal with it,bitch." I NEVER experienced something nasty like this before.. I googled this phone number, found out it is the American TESOL Institution, Kunming Location.. AN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION, seriously?! No kidding!!! And they supposed to teach people how to speak proper English, and this is how they talk. I deleted my ad on 58-Tongcheng. So here, just let you guys know, if you are going to post ad on 58-Tongcheng, be prepared to receive all kinds of ad phone calls and all kinds of spam texts. If you received it, remember: JUST IGNORE IT, delete it, do not get back to that person. Maybe the best way is just to read the spam,rather than to get those so-called TESOL teachers to call you names.. :(

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

I get about 3 spam messages (usually BUY THIS HOUSE!) a day which is annoying as hell, I understand your pain!

The 58 website often puts phone numbers into a picture file so they aren't picked up easily by bots. As such your number was most likely a person reading your add and spamming you. I guess here people get so many spam messages themselves they think its OK to spam others. The spam culture here seems to be prevalent, I guess its just another thing we have to live with in order to stay in this wonderful, enlightened, beautiful utopia *cough* *cough*... :-)

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Do not delete the messages you received. Save them and file a police report. I know many people do not want to take the time to do this but believe me - it is worth the time.

These people continue to harass because no one takes the time to report them.

I just went through this a few weeks ago and the problem ended as soon as I filed a report. The police called each of the numbers that were sending me messages right in front of me at the police station.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Nice! It'll be even more interesting if the org is not quite legal.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Spam sucks. Nasty person spamming you is even worse. I would try what HFCAMPO said if it will make you feel better.

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