GoKunming Forums

GoKunming feedback

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I noticed that there seems to be an increase in posts being made in the wrong boards or threads even.
Is this a system error?

Ref the bans. I did see a comment about spam in post #n, about post #n-1, and the OP was banned. This may have been an error and may have been the re-instated member. Just a thought.

blueice (73 posts) • 0

i know this has been mentioned before, but since i witnessed it again just now i thought i would comment. it would still be nice for goK to note a deleted post/thread instead of having it just vanish out of thin air.

Mars316 (24 posts) • 0

I've been using this account more than 2 years.
I witnessed what happened on this forum today. something other users dont know. something ugly but true. Today is the busiest day of the forum.
Now I know what this forum is.

I'm scared.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

Posts being deleted and disappearing into thin air reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode where the characters just vanish into thin air.

Mars316 (24 posts) • 0

Actually I'm happened to know one person of this gokunming team. Yeah, in reallife.

Don't trust any information on this forum any more. Because the management can revise the posts and delete whatever they like. Even the posts you are reading arre fake.
you have been fooled.

Moderator (46 posts) • 0

Due to recent developments within the forums, GoKunming has created this "Moderator" account in an effort to keep posts on topic. As stated in the disclaimer, forum posts that do not stay on topic will be deleted. In addition, conversations between posters should be taken up through the "Private Message" function.

GoKunming forums are meant to provide or solicit information and make it available to all of our users. The GoKunming team is constantly working to maintain this resource and keep it free of spurious information and trolling.

The forums are a free resource for everyone and are not meant to be hijacked on any occasion by a small group of users who prefer to use them as their private chat room.

This forum thread has been locked and any derailing thread will either be freed of off-topic posts, deleted or locked – whichever measure is found most suitable.

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