GoKunming Forums

GoKunming feedback

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

@weekapaughhead's comment.

Perhaps a local person could volunteer to trawl through the local 'what's on' pages in newspapers or online.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

So tell us Yereth - what are the new changes going to be? Don't just spring them on us - give us a heads-up!

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

Give them a chance, this is the consultation process. Rushing to an answer ain't so hot.

zoober (4 posts) • 0

i think it would be cool if you could open pictures larger when you click on them in articles. there are a lot of good photos in recent weeks and it's always disappointing when i try to click on them.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

On a technical note.
It would be nice (once logged in) to see if you have mail, from the home page. With one click access to your inbox.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

GoKunming feedback:

It has become increasingly difficult to know who or what is real within these forums. One relatively new but prolific poster appears to have now brought the entire project into disrepute and warnings about personal attacks now appear for the first time ever. This, as a result of bona fide users now feeling genuinely annoyed and irritated by having to navigate through the craziness that has permeated GoKunming very recently.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

I hope others can begin to see the writing on the wall - as it is very clear to me - Expect more rules and more censorship. In another similar post, Tiger briefly and directly stated - If it ain't broke, dont fix it. But no, the need to control, the need to make the world safe is too much for some to bear. What ever happened to the best rule of all - Live and let Live.

There are many times when I find some threads which I dislike but I find that Self censorship is the best - I just move on and continue with my life and not allow a few words on a screen to occupy space in my mind.

I found that people who are obssessed wish censorship (pornography, for example) on the internet are the same ones who can't keep their eyes off of it. Since they lack the self control to stop themselves they demand for censorship in hopes of bringing sanity to their own lives.

In the end, this site will self destruct on its own.

joshwa (67 posts) • 0

Minor enhancement request— in the thread update emails, can you put the name of the poster? Right now I get the content but I don't know who posted it.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Another minor enhancement request- in the Dashboard, I'd appreciate adding a "My Replied to Classifieds" Or maybe a confirmation email you saying replied to if that's easier.

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