GoKunming Forums

My brand new electric scooter was stolen today

crazy.laowai (242 posts) • 0

What is the biggest, baddest electric scooter for sale in Kunming?

YuantongsiYuantongsi (717 posts) • 0

Try X Union Scooters

云南省昆明总代理 :车行:X联盟 地址云南省昆明市环城西路3741-2 联系人刘先生 联系方式:0871-4178908

X Union make Custom made scooters, you select the motor, engine, brakes, they are on the strip of scooter shops on Huan Cheng West road almost on the corner near the Huang Cheng South road.

Not sure If they are still there, I was there about 12 months ago.

crazy.laowai (242 posts) • 0

In all seriousness, does anyone happen to know the make and model of the largest electric scooter that can be bought in Kunming?

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

taobao.com et al: ¥7400-ish.


If you really wanna shop around, you can find mountain bikes (and other racing bikes) for ¥100k+, so I'm sure you can also trick out your badass e-bike - make it look like a bmw etc. I'm sure you could even brand your e-bike as a ferrari, lambo, or even LV & Hermes...haven't seen that around.

I think Segway also sells their stuff here (including segway knock-offs).

TICexpats (207 posts) • 0

Crazy L, why are you asking such silly questions ?

You want to Cheated and stolen from week after week ?

Buy a piece of shit, that runs.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

There is a nice Ferrari branded mountain bike that was launched in China at the end of 2011. Cost 300 000 rmb.

EncryptedEncrypted (114 posts) • 0

GPS tracking system;
I once saw on Kunming TV news about that issue. One guy installed a tracking gps on his ebike. When he found out it was stolen, he went to the police and opened his account on the police office computer showing the location of his ebike on a map. The police, using this gps tracking system, was able to bring back the ebike to his owner and arrest the thief. On the news it was the owner of the ebike himself explaining this gps system.

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