GoKunming Forums

some suggested forum guidelines

michael2015 (784 posts) • +3

The voting thumbs are a great feature. THANK YOU for finally implementing this feature on the blogs.

The thumbs (Yereth, correct me if I'm wrong) can be used to hide but not delete abusive posts, from view. It's a more pro-active form of community or peer censorship.

That said - votes can also be abused, but the site managers would then kind of know who's abusing the system...if they were motivated enough.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • -6
Comment hidden by user downvote Click to expand

Let me see if I understand this correctly. The thumbs are used by other forum members to vote whether a certain post is - or +.

So in this particular case, someone has taken the time to go back in time and vote thumbs down on posts from 4 years ago.

I think the thumbs says more about the Voter than it does about the poster. Interesting!

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • +4

And still no search box for the whole website - at least I can't find it. It was much easier to navigate and find things on the original dark blue site. The "new perspective" site might look nicer but it's less useful.

Daithi (426 posts) • +8

I think the Thumbs are great!

If u like a comment then u can endorse it. If u don't then u can voice urself without getting involved in the many pathetic, non-productive, bad tempered "conversations". So personally I love the function!
I think it's also great for the management. They can see if any particular member is really pissing off the general population and act accordingly. Very useful for management!

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • +2

Great the reviews are back, but what happened to the related news links? Some of those were useful or interesting.

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