GoKunming Forums

Looking for the reviser

Spring (8 posts) • 0

I am a student, and looking for some one who can revise my English paper(about 10 pages).
I hope you are a native English speaker and with Economics or Econometrics post graduate degree would be better. I can pay for that. If you like to help me,please email me:yuzhoutansuo1@163.com. Thanks a lot.

DAY DREAMER (24 posts) • 0

at least in this case this student still cares about her or his homework, still wants to do better. it would be more worrying if she or he doesnt care and just spends time on burning cars, getting drunk and smashing bus stop glass!

Chingis (242 posts) • 0

Cares enough to cheat. How admirable.

Maybe getting someone else to do your work frees up a students time to burn cars, get drunk, and smash bus stop glass...

DAY DREAMER (24 posts) • 0

blind and stupid logic - cant you see the original post. revision is needed. and you are damn right to show some admiration.

thinking of the youth problem you have in your own country. thinking of why you are still here. in case you forget i can slap your face and wake you up from your stupid sarcasm.

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