GoKunming Forums

Who majored in Finance?

123go (145 posts) • 0

I guess the english I speak and my intelligence are enough for having me got an offer to work aboard(English is the working language for this job, because they know nothing about Chinese language). Also I always get thumbs up from my foreign friends, customers and the boss on my spoken English skills. But I am not a native speaker, I think language is just an instrument. So I didn't spend time on it in the past, I'm young and have time so I'd love to learn more about this language.

Now I get to know MBA is a big thing, everyone tells me he/ she is a MBA, MBA in finance/engineer/aviation...I used to think it's good, but not that big. Never too old to learn.

Life is so wonderful more than money or degree. If any of you love showing your English, I'm always ready to learn. If anyone can teach me English, I appreciate.
I love my talented friends.

Btw, pm me if you want to talk to me, don't post here if you are not on the topic.

LouieK (33 posts) • 0

I majored in mechanical engineering but now working with an investments firm (operations), hence the reason why I'm frequenting Kunming more these days. It's been a good experience so far, I've been able to meet with a few local sme's which has been interesting. Also had some time to chat up some foreigners and listen to their views on Kunming's development.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0


Ref. CV/resumes. I put it down to lazy brain syndrome.

Having tried to teach resume writing, and failed students repeatedly because they download a resume and put their name on it. After failing they resubmit another downloaded resume. The third time they may write their own resume but have not applied any of the methodology learned on the course. The latter begs the question, have they just learned to camouflage a downloaded resume better.

123go (145 posts) • 0

you are dead to me.

I cant use my gmail, I cant sign in my gmail, google support team is SB, stupid.
Im crying.

many tears.

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