GoKunming Forums

Who majored in Finance?

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0


As a business major, while I did not major in Finance, it was part of our general education and so I am somewhat versed in it, albeit it is very foggy at this point.

As someone who have taught in China for 7 years, I have noticed that while Chinese students gain a lot of "knowledge", they learn very little in the way of applied knowledge. In other words, they have no idea on how to use the knowledge they gained nor how it applies to their daily lives.

Case in point, while I applaud you for seeking out more knowledge and wanting to expand your horizon, you should understand the basics of price vs. demand vs. the availability of the resource. In layman's term, you get what you paid. If your intention of starting a discussion is to learn from others without contributing anything yourself, then what you need to hire a teacher and offer a compensation in line with the quality and difficulty of what you want.

If however, this is a purely intellectual venture, then the question you need to ask yourself is what can YOU offer in the way of an engaging conversation. To that end, rather than just saying "Hey guys, wanna talk about finance?", you should start the thread with a specific topic, clearly stating your thesis, assumptions, view-points, etc. and invite people in on the discussion. I think this approach will garner you more meaningful responses than how you have approached it.

One last note, since this is a general informative website/forum targeting a wide variety of audiences, you might not get the response you are looking for simply because there aren't that many followers of this forum who would really care that much about finance to join in, other than laotou of course, who can talk intellectually about anything! *wink*

Best of luck to you.


123go (145 posts) • 0

Tony, you are right, they have no idea on how to use their amazing knowledge or how it applies to the daily life, that is the point.

Maybe this problem also works in Geezer's situation: they want him to teach in case-study-method and explain the cases.
I didn't want to discuss about finance here, On this thread? This website?No. Said want to start a group interested in finance and know finance in kunming Where I will live in the next. If someone have time and interested to join. So many topics everyday about finance, from work, from the newspaper. Easygoing and relax discussion.
I am totally young, middle of twenties, but have working experiences in Airline, Real estate and Bank. I admire the elders' experiences and wisdom. That is why I want to have the chance discuss with people. Never mind.
Happy mummy's day. Wish every mother a good life. And a nice weekend everyone.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

In line with what @Tonyaod has said about the need to turn knowledge into understanding.
Knowledge is knowing that you put oil into a car engine to make it work properly. Understanding/wisdom is knowing no to use olive oil.

With this in mind, another suggestion for you.
Start a group with people from different backgrounds. Meet over beer/coffee/pizza. And SHARE all of your knowledge, experiences. Think about what you yourself can bring to the party.

Finance is often taught as a stand alone subject, and this makes sense as you can only study a limited amount of knowledge in a degree. Finance, business, economics, politics, marketing, psychology and other subjects are all linked. By discussing related subjects you can get a much better understanding of how and why finance works the way it does.

Where I studied my MBA the required that all students had at least 5 years experience in management. A core part of the courses was 'experiential learning', that is learning supported by shared experiences. This allowed us to better understand some of the management decision we had seen our employers had made in the past. Suddenly past decisions that we had thought were stupid, made sense.

123go (145 posts) • 0

Thanks. You get me an idea.
It's like a class on philosophy to talk about turning knowledge into wisdom, but I like philosophy.
Life is about accumulation. When I was a student, I was not interested in anything. But after years for working and traveling, I found my passions for everything. Maybe several years later, I will stay the passion for what i love. I also think how to organize the life is a big thing.
Glad can have these responses.

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

I agree with Geezer in relation to learning in China, it's a thing, not an accumulation of knowledge...

Mars316 (24 posts) • 0

I do. We do VC/PE in shanghai, but now in kunming, chengdu, guiyang. How can I reach you? check your box.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

I suggest you focus on a purpose as opposed to a generality. What do you wish to apply finance to? That will help focus the group with a clear goal to accomplish. A generality is like a hole - it is bottomless - and therefore can never be achieved (speaking generally :-P)

mrhotdice (1 post) • 0

Being both a MBA and Engineer what I have discovered is that most of the Chinese that come to the states who say they understand English really have no knowledge at all and can't even write a simple proposal or resume. They have no technical writing experience what so ever. Something is lacking in the business english approach that fails to teach a person how to write a simple CV

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