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Laowai in Beijing trys to rape girl...

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

I read somewhere the man paid for sex and was subsequently set up. There, another spoke to the rumor mill and another incentive to shut up until you know what exactly happened.

On another note: racism is innate, natural and there is nothing wrong with it as long as you do not disadvantage the other person. In the west we have become obsessed with (being against) racism, this does not seem to be such an issue in China.

Live and let live and do justice to those who deserve it.

TICexpats (207 posts) • 0

Some seriously misguided Laowai on this thread.

First Laowia means old foreigner (not chronologically determined per say) but it's actually a respect thing. Their are many disrespectful words for us, that's not really one of them.

Second that video is so edited who knows the real story or events, stay here awhile and you to will face some kind of entrapment scheme to. think $$$$.

Not defending the guy but not judging him either.

Now if he is convicted he will find out about the delightful life in a Chinese prison...OUCH.

crazy.laowai (242 posts) • 0

The whole situation sucks. It looks really bad for us Westerners, but again, we are all individuals. The problem is that the average man on the street (not just Chinese, but everywhere) tends to over-generalize.

Harriis (19 posts) • 0

My friend Wu Fei from Beijing, wants to comment on these posts & give her personal opinion.

To me, i give those travelers a frame that they travel for that they love lives and natures,some Chinese, even me has different level of ethnic inferiority. we have been told the civilization of west has a over hundred years history. which must improve to a proper degree.

The west has better education, (even though education doesn't mean higher human dignity).

Chinese has history of respecting culture, and destroying it as well. so Culture is more like a tool, not something generate from root of soul.

Nowadays, as the result of the whole social affection, none would like to focus on pure attribution to others, but only money. as you know that good things with better quality in china are more expensive than after their export.

House are too expensive for ordinary to buy for a whole life.which is not a living issue, but a survival one.

So in this case, people admire lives in west, US. which is a result of contrast.

And it also gets another thing hostility.

we don't need care about the conspiracy, is there anyone who is planing the whole hostility to all foreigners.

If he is a rapist, why he paid plane tickets to come to china to rape a innocent Chinese girl in public? Drunk? it doesn't explain everything.

I think China with lousy law environment gives some Foreigners an expectation. once comes to china, they could expand without any limitation, I am not blaming on them, it's the whole being nature, Imagining that a human being, a individual once as normal as around, suddenly gets big admiration, realizing that he lives better living condition than others, better educated and better other things.

They would give him a superiority complex, like a king.

Living out of law or morality.

Those weird things Chinese do and Foreigners do. I think the differences are that most Chinese do them inconsciently. well, Foreigners do on purpose, challenge themselves or a big show-off to others.

**Wu Fei**

roberto (24 posts) • 0

Wu Fei, I think you destroyed an interesting interpretation about the psychology of potential rapists in a foreign country where they might feel out of law and morality with a terrible stereotyped conclusion:

"Those weird things Chinese do and Foreigners do. I think the differences are that most Chinese do them inconsciently. well, Foreigners do on purpose, challenge themselves or a big show-off to others."

So basically every foreigner come to china to do weird things and show-off to others?
Hope for you that you don't really believe what you wrote....or maybe I should understand "every potential foreign rapist do it on purpose"?

In that case how can you explain that around the world the criminality comes also from parts of society that are often discriminated or got less chances than average people? These people would have a superiority or inferiority complex?

rick dikulous (18 posts) • 0

A large part of the problem, is that some urban Chinese citizens and netizens are totally out of touch with the reality of being a foreigner in China.

Wu Fei's ugly comments are just an example of this. She only sees the privileges. I find it really common that attempts at actually being diplomatic and polite fail so miserably and expose such resentment.

There are 3 or 4 nice things that come with being a westerner (she conflates foreigner and westerner, as many people seem too) in China, and a list of about 30 seriously not so nice things. Its those of us who are tough enough to handle the bad that stick around for the good. Lets face it, most people can't, wouldn't, and wont stick around.

Wu Fei's comments highlight a certain logic, the logic of the misbehaving tourist. There is no question that many tourists misbehave everywhere, while some are overpolite as well. But most tourists in any really large country are FROM that country. They are tourists because they are outside their hometown, its their chance to go nuts, and besides, mom and dad wont hear about their shenanigans. I really doubt that most of the crimes happening in Sanya for example are coming from British English teachers.

I think one of the most intolerable things about living in Chinese cities (I think the countryside is better) is that there is very little sensitivity to the hardships and discrimination, and a ridiculousness exaggeration of the privileges. Also, re: rudeness vs. civility-I would say that if you polled small businesses across the country they would say that foreign customers are the most polite. That is nothing to write home about, but I am just mentioning it as something you would never hear from people who call foreigners spoiled or "kings".

The good things I can think of about living in Chinese cities are:

*It is easy to make acquaintances (though hard to make close friends who really share feelings and who you can trust).
It is hard to create deep,open, loyal and true friendships. Those that you do make, well they are basically the number 1 reason to study Chinese or to live in or visit China. They could last a lifetime I think.

*Like in most places on earth (except USA/UK/France) most (by no means all ) people do appreciate your attempts to speak their language.

*Due to a certain amount of familiarity with westerners, many people are less judgmental about superficial differences (fashion, tastes), as well as faux pas than in the west.

*Strangers may be more likely to leave you alone, and less likely to randomly start a fight with you.

*You might get free drinks from people who are never going to be your friends.

*It may be a little easier for you to get a date, and I mean a date, not a one night stand (not there is anything wrong with those, if that is your thing). Unless you have a really hard time getting dates where you are from, in that case it will be much, much, easier. For most of us, finding people that we actually want to date long term is much harder in most Chinese cities than it is in the west, and may even be a reason to leave the prc.

Everything else I have to say is bad. The list includes things which are quite dangerous, like mobs gathering around you after a small traffic accident and declaring you guilty based on your foreignness.

Of course I am always curious what people like Wu Fei have to say about the behavior of some over zealous Chinese nationals in other Asian countries, such as Burma, or in Africa. She shouldn't have to say anything about it, that is my whole point- but if you follow the examples of those who worry about "foreigners", then she should.

And by the way, the guy who said that Laowai is a term of respect based on Lao (old) Wai (outsider) and then called others out of touch is a real laugh-that is the oldest myth about the term laowai.

rick dikulous (18 posts) • 0

To say something more specific:
Some of the problem here is a confused projection, what some people would call cultural projection.

I think some people sincerely imagine that
*being stared at,

*having people that never want to really know you (and would never stand up for you) kiss your ass,

*being interviewed by curious high school kids asking the world's most boring questions,

*having the same conversations 1 million times,
*being commented on constantly by strangers as if you cant hear them,

all this is pleasurable for you, laowai!

They may think, "Wow, I wish I would be the object of insincere flattery, of gossip, of stares, of paper thin introductions.
I would love to be invited to a dinner to be politely shown off like a new handbag or pet, to gan bei with people who wouldn't care if I died tomorrow".

It never occurs to them how alienating not only the rudeness is, but also all of the BS politeness that keeps people at a distance. Maybe they really would like to be treated like a toy. So, it follows that they would think that you, laowai, are spoiled.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0


5000 years of feudalism. Most people were little more than cattle. Only the privelaged had power.

Wind forward to today. Rank and money = power. If you have neither you are nothing. If you have both you can pretty much do what you want. We see evidence of this, daily.

No culture is perfect.

YuantongsiYuantongsi (717 posts) • 0

As a result of this guy, Beijing PSB has started a crackdown on illegal Laowai: no-entry stamp, no-visa, no-work visa. The Crackdown in BJ will continue till August. For more details read:


I wonder when Yunnan PSB will get the memo?

I guess legit English teachers will make a killing,,not literally of course,,,

123go (145 posts) • 0

yuantongsi:This announcement by Beijing PSB is good news for the city, also good news for China, chinese just used to be tooo kind and friendly. well done.

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