No, charge fee is different from One bank to another, also different from the local city to another.
Also know that the charge fee is charged by the Bank from which you get your card not by the Bank of which ATM you are using.
Let me show you this.
E.g: Bank of China (Domestic)
1) Debit Card
A)If you use debit card from BOC on ICBC 's ATM in the local city, the fee is 4 RMB/ for each withdrawal, no matter how much you withdrawal, if you withdrawal 100RMB, the fee is 4RMB, if you withdrawal 2500rmb, the fee is also 4rmb. 2500 the the max you can get on each withdrawal, if you want to get 10,000, you need to do 4 times, so the fee is total 4*4=16RMB. 20,000 RMB is the max of total you can get from ATM each day.
I heard card from minsheng Bank, the charge fee is 2RMB/withdrawal in this situation. Half of BOC's. But I can't confirm, I'm not using their cards.
B)if you use card in another city, no matter on which Bank's ATM.
The charge fee is the same:1% of the amount of money you want to Withdrawal. Min10RMB~Max50RMB. If you withdrawal 100, the fee is 10, if you with drawal 2500, the fee is 25rmb.
2)credit card
NO charge fee. Visa card or MasterCard mostly the same, just from different companies.
Personal Experience:
I use BOC Dual-currency(RMB-USD)Visa credit card. If use it in China, The money is calculated in Chinese Yuan. If use it aboard, the money is calculated in US Dollars automatically according to the rate of the day. After back to China. Exchange money from RMB to USD, then pay the bill for this credit card. So there will be 2 times for exchange!
As far as I know, also can get (RMB-JPY) credit card from BOC. Same theory as (RMB-USD) credit card.
If you are using an aboard card, call your Bank to know the regulations.
Hope my information could do a little help.