GoKunming Forums

getaway 1-2 days from kunming?

123go (145 posts) • 0

getaway 1-2days,someplace new and quiet, small village is ok, short time for traveling. Is the yunnan chateau worth to try or not? Anyone been there?Anyone has any other ideas? Id love to listen to your personal experiences.

SusanHilly (2 posts) • 0

I-d like to join a group going toDali or Lijiang or Shangrila at the weekend.

Am working here for a month but got four free days for labour day.
Any suggestions?
mail> ssnhillyard@gmail.com

123go (145 posts) • 0

I called for the reservation,but some of my friends told me June or July could be better, plus i just have 2 days, so I cancelled.

SusanHilly: I am also opening for shangrila and lijiang. Especially shangrila.
Taejonwill:what do you usually do in pu zhe hei? How is it like?

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

We are going for a paragliding expedition near Dali Lijiang Beitou.

I'm offering a ride with us in the jeep, one way or two way, make an offer for gas, got lots of room for luggage on the roof

123go (145 posts) • 0

I will be out this weekend, so every problem solved. I will try paragliding some day.

123go (145 posts) • 0

Next time I will. Thanks. Haven't tried paragliding, but have seen it many times on programs. Also skydiving.

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