GoKunming Forums

any tanguero who is up for dancing?

samuelseer (4 posts) • 0

Hi tanguero

I am argentine tango dancer who lives in kunming as you know

argentine tango isnt very popular here in kunming so its difficult to

find someone to dance with. As a tanguero surely you mustknow it is

unbearable to live with tango(oh I did for one year already someone save me) so I am looking for a female partner or a follower to dance with
my name is Sam and my number if you want is :13116281876
please feel free to contact me if you are interested if you want to learn tango as beginner its also ok and its free

Totti (2 posts) • 0

Hi Sam, how are you doing? Are you interested in hosting or coming to a milonga in Kunming? Let me know! Cheers! Totti

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