GoKunming Forums

acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

e.liss (2 posts) • 0

Anyone know of a trusted, reputable place here in Kunming for acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine?

gbtexdoc (218 posts) • 0

Yes, you can go to the 云南省中医院 on 五一路 between 东风西路 and 人民中路。If you are not familiar with the outpatient process in Chinese hospitals you will need a local friend to go with you. No English spoken.

I'm sure there are other equally reputable places, but that is the one I have been to personally.

There is another TCM teaching hospital located just off 白塔路, south of 东风东路 more or less across from 金格 (Ginko) department store.

sendero english (21 posts) • 0

I would generally avoid the major Chinese medicine hospitals, at least in the case of finding herbalists. I find them to have many of the same problems as the western medicine hospitals here, and they are pricey to boot. I prefer to go to an herbalist I found through the grapevine, and who has done a good job for me.

ShiFang (9 posts) • 0

I went to the 中医学院 on 白塔路 and was very satisfied with their acupuncture (first time for me). The place is not very clean, which obviously is nothing unusual in China, but the staff were very attentive and helpful to me. I even met a doctor who translated for two Philippine doctors learning TCM. She spoke great English and fluent German as well and helped with some more complicated questions. The Chinese-speaking doctor who treated me seemed very experienced and did a good job so I'll return for at least another session.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Accupuncture doctors vary depending on the problem you want treated. I don't think it is enough to ask about a doctor here - you should also ask about what specific condition you want treated. Some are better for allergies, other are better for back problems, and so on.

cnotes11 (61 posts) • 0

I wanted to revive this thread instead of starting a new new one...as it was the best information I could find.

Anyone care to weigh in on the above ? Has anyone experience with 中医学院 on 白塔路 ?

Is the criticism of major Chinese medicine hospitals warranted? Can anyone give me an estimate what one session with an herbalist or for acupuncture might cost?

Any additional referrals? Recent experience?

Lastly, as HFcampo pointed out its probably best to be specific — but I would prefer not to detail my medical history on Gokmg. That said if anyone thinks they can help me please send a pm. You would being doing me a huge big favor. I have some serious medical problems and a good referral would mean a lot to me. Or really any information is appreciated.


cnotes11 (61 posts) • 0

Hmm nothing? I have to think with the amount of traffic this site seems to get that someone out there can help or has a bit of information to share....

abcdabcd (428 posts) • 0

i've seen several threads of people asking for TCM doctor recommendation. i've never once actually seen the name of any doctor mentioned.

i saw a tcm doctor once, not in kunming. i felt he was ripping me off and he wouldn't really divulge the contents of the herbs he was prescribing, which made me uncomfortable.

2 recommendations:

1 - use your gut. go see doctors and use your intuition to decide if they're helpful or not. and trial and error. try the herbs for a while. if it's not useful, keep searching.

2 - there's lots of useful information on the net about natural remedies for many ailments. you can try researching and being your own doctor and treating your own conditions. with western herbs, when you buy them, you know exactly what's in it, which makes me feel a lot safer. and you can enlist the help of a western naturopath.

cnotes11 (61 posts) • 0

Thank you both for the response. I thought this would be a more discussed topic. I guess, as abcdabcd's post can attest, there are many people who don't think its credible. Or felt they were scammed in seeing a tcm doctor. I don't have the experience to have a fully formed opinion yet, however, have decided its something I would like to test.

My purpose in posting was to avoid trial and error to the degree that is possible. i.e. flipping randomly through the phone book. Even though there haven't been many referrals given or response in general, I still thought it worth a try.

I've had one person detail a hospital that, in their opinion, provided quality treatment. They also explained about some of the pitfalls associated with pursuing treatment of this type. It was greatly appreciated. Although the language barrier and navigating the process sounded difficult.

Anyone else have experience they're willing to share? Perhaps a facility/clinic with some English speaking staff?

All opinions are welcome — Thanks

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