.... a sign went up today saying they didn't have enough water pressure to pump water up the hill. The 2-3 hours a day comes from a truck apparently. It explains why it's just us...
.... a sign went up today saying they didn't have enough water pressure to pump water up the hill. The 2-3 hours a day comes from a truck apparently. It explains why it's just us...
<venting> .... we now have half an hour of water a day. Solar tanks not being replenished so only freezing cold water at that. Local government say it's down to the water company. Water company blame the city-wide low pressure. Local leader (apparently) says, "Your fault for living up a hill. If you don't like it, move". Local neighbourhood seem resigned to suffer without a fight. Frustrated laowai wanting to picket the Mayor, the Water company, cry for the TV/newspapers... told "This is China. Keep your head down". <vent over!>
Maybe it really is time to move. You know that it is only going to get worse.
.... as soon as we get water back for a few weeks, the "For Sale" sign is going up!! Can't really find a buyer "sans l'eau"!
Arrange for viewings in the early evening, after the water truck has left.
Local government say it's down to the water company. Water company blame the city-wide low pressure. Local leader (apparently) says, "Your fault for living up a hill. If you don't like it, move".
Ridiculous! The local leaders must have APPROVED the community to be built on the hill surely!
we havent had water in three days. We live on the 7th floor in an old apartment complex near wenlinjie. There was plenty of rain and even snow....why arent we getting any water? We got extremely low pressure, so low the shower wasnt working, just a dribble from the faucet for about an hour. I havent been able to shower in four days and its not okay.
Cursing, blaming or pointing the finger will Not resolve the water problems. I just can not understand why people continue to live in places that have water rationing or low pressure throughout most of the day. MOVE! Lesson learned. And when you look for a new apartment, be sure to check all these things before you sign a new contract. There are many places here in Kunming that do Not have water rationing or low pressure. Seek and you shall find!
I've read about these water outtages, but I've personally never seen them here. I live in an apartment complex just off Dongfeng Dong Lu and I've never had an issue.
Is this strictly a neighborhood-based thing, or is it wider?
There was a lot after the freezing a couple of weeks ago. The pressure was reduced, to allow repairs on the mains. We had water on the 1st and 2nd floor only, but not on the third.
If you rent it is easy to move away from the water problem, but sadly for one poster on here, they have bought and are now stuck. I truly sympathize with that situation.