GoKunming Forums

Buying a Kindle (+cover)

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

After I've wrecked my second Kindle in a year time, I now would like to buy one with a cover. Any idea where I can find one in China, or how I could have sent it to me without paying any heavy import taxes?

Getting them in Hanoi is possible, but they will charge you 50% extra in import tax, Vientiane has them too for a 120% surcharge. How about Bangkok? Any ideas?

Or: is anyone going to Europe/The States/... and could he/she bring me back a Kindle with cover? I will of course pay for it.


seahorse62 (141 posts) • 0

We bought 1 on taobao.com last year and it has been great. They also have covers on there. They were a little more expensive than amazon but not much. There are really copies of Kindles like Apple products so it should be the real deal. You might also check amazon China.

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

Thanks. I could try that. You say it's the real deal. Will I be able to buy books off Amazon and read them on it? Because that's the important thing: not having to look for an English book and finding the title that I want, when I want it.

I suspect Chinese clones will be able to do this, since they have to authenticate with Amazon.

trice (36 posts) • 0

If you guys are still around (oh hope), I'm wondering, when you bought the kindle through taobao, were you able to get one that operated in English - that is, with menus in English, not just the books?

tommann (423 posts) • 0

I bought a brand new, authentic Kindle Paperwhite on taobao. It arrived quickly with no problems, with a genuine Amazon leather cover.

Edit: trice, yes in English. You can select the language of the menus actually, but it arrived with English as the default.

bjtokm (193 posts) • 0

I have an Ipad and download books of the net for free all the time!!..you can get an Ipad almost anywhere in the city.

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