GoKunming Forums

E Bike Crisis

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

The law will be ignored until they decide to have a crack down. These crackdowns only last a few weeks.

YuantongsiYuantongsi (717 posts) • 0

If you have the fapiao then I doubt the police will take any action.

The thing that really amazes me is the number of cars that cover their plates while driving in the city or more often the highway. I guess a few traffic police need to be killed by these cars and for them to get away before the police start to clamp down on these cars.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

Cars with no plates can be legal. When you buy a new car you have 30 days to register it. The only way the police can catch an unregistered car is to stop it for some reason. These guys can run the red light cameras all they want and never get a ticket!

rejected_goods (349 posts) • 0

A G vehicle on 'secret duty' would have the number plate covered. :)
Now, if I were the police, would I want to find out? There is no prize to be heroic. :-))) do nothing is a better option, I guess.

CromsonCromson (145 posts) • 0

Just came back from a registration place in Guandu, after they checked they told me i couldnt registrate there because no way in their system to registrate in english... Maybe i should just let it go. My first scooter i registrated in 2007 near Dianchi Lu and there it wasnt a problem. Tomorrow i will check out the place, they guys mentioned today. After that, i have a registrated scooter or not. ;)

roberto (24 posts) • 0

that's funny how people here complain about the e-bikes in town.. how do you think most of people go to work? kunming is getting everyday larger and just following the trend of every chinese city, how do you guys think population can move from two different sides of the town and be on time to work? by bycicle????? maybe taking the wonderful saturated bus? and what about the taxis impossible to get in rush hours? i think e-bikes are a good compromise for a city that has no good infrastructures yet and where the new minority of rich is buying an uncontrolled number of cars....the situation will probably be better when the subway will be ready....

YuantongsiYuantongsi (717 posts) • 0

Hi Roberto,

I ride an e-bike and also drive a car here in Kunming. The convienence of e-bikes in Kunming is huge, relativly small distances, no really hot or cold weather, able to avoid traffic jams, carry lots of shopping, etc,I even read that as a higher % of Yunnan electricity is Hydro generated that the carbon footprint of using e-bikes is lower here than in other parts of the country. Plus imajine if even a small % of the 3 million e-bikes turned into cars,,


The way that some people ride their bikes is extremly dangerous and this is what people have an issue with. I heard that in Hangzhou 80% of traffic accidents involve e-bikes. Not sure of the figures here in Kunming.

JJ and Janice (324 posts) • 0

Hi - - I had a question asked on private e-mail - - but for some reason wasn't able to answer. Rumors abound about e-bike registrations. The one true fact is that there are enormous lines at the registration place. One rumor is that the "north" registration place does not do the service for foreigners! I don't know!! A friend (foreigner) said he went to local police station and could not find out any info. Same guy said he had been stopped two days earlier by traffic police for riding double on scooter and fined 20 kuai. Again - - don't know. Looks like we really need a "rumor control."

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