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Should you study Chinese?

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

Again, it depends on how you interpret the question. "Should I ..." does not ask for an objective response. It's not "must I ..." The OP is asking for opinions. I gave mine.

I find that your article raises valid and interesting points, but there are other reasons than career-related ones why one should learn one or more foreign languages. To me, but not necessarily to anyone, the most important is the brain-stretching exercise you get from it. Even though I'm getting older, I find it increasingly easy to get my mind around logical, linguistic as well as mathematical problems.

rejected_goods (349 posts) • 0

i think, reading the original "should you....?" question, the OP is seeking a utilitarian approach to language study. ".....that this would be a really major investment in my future, from career prospects to traveling." suggests such line of thinking, i think.

let me answer that with some real examples. neither edgar snow nor norman bethune were fluent Chinese speakers, i dont think anyone could find anything there suggesting that the two were practising 'culture imperalism', quite the contrary, i wouldve thought. and, a lot of people volunteering for Médecins Sans Frontières do not speak the local languages in areas where the organisation operates.

to me, in short, focus what i am doing, 'culture imperalism'.....etc could just be a side-track.

onelegged (28 posts) • 0

"if you live or reside in a foreign country, it is plain arrogant not to know the other language. It will make people scream "foreigners out" in due time"

Though I really like where you are coming from in terms of wanting to show respect to all people, I am not responsible for other people's actions or attitudes. Also, English IS an international language now, and is written on every street in China. It is nothing like expecting people in Kunming might understand Serbo-croat (for example).

And though I agree that cultural imperialism is a BIG sidetrack, I can't resist pointing out how useful and international both Latin and Greek were for such a long time after the respective decline of those empires. Good points besides.

Anyway. Lots of good food for thought on the whole thread.

onelegged (28 posts) • 0

Also, just to clarify, the OP (me), said he doesn't plan on settling down in China. Though not sure about other Chinese speaking countries or places with large Chinese speaking populations, as well as work stints in China.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Most other places with large Chinese populations, don't speak Mandarin Chinese. Singapore being an exception. But even in Singa there is a mix of languages, and Mandarin is not the dominant language.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

I do take exception to the comment about arrogance.

I don't speak, hear, read or write Chinese to any degree. I can survive on oral Chinese perhaps. Not because I am arrogant.
Arrogance assumes that one thinks English is a better language and that a person won't lower themselves to speak the local lingo.
I have failed to learn Chinese because I am crap at learning languages, it is not my talent. I was crap at learning French in school, I was crap at learning German when I lived in Germany. I am crap at learning Chinese now I am in China, I spent one semester full-time studying Chinese in Shanghai University, and another semester at Tongji. Do you see a pattern? I do and it has nothing to do with arrogance.

What I do find arrogant is when people, who have a talent for learning languages, don't realize it is a talent and then judge those who lack that competence.

I had someone once tell me that most of the Brits they worked with in Europe spoke the local language. I then pointed out that it may well be that those who are not good at languages are far more likely to stay at home, and that those who do go overseas are more likely to be those with a talent for language. They, on reflecting on their own abilities and previous strengths in school, agreed that I may have a point.

I hate it when people get judgmental, as if they are trying to claim some moral high ground.

You are better at languages than me, but that does not make you superior to me, get over it. I am certain that I can do things that others cannot, but language isn't one of them.

Humbly yours

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

So you have learnt some Chinese. That makes you not arrogant. I know a lot of people that refuse to ever speak it. That is arrogant. I come from a country where my native language has been oppressed by French for centuries (and in many ways still is). So it's an extremely sensitive thing for me. Live in another country? Do an effort to speak the lingo. No one will demand perfection, but even the worst language learners should be able to have a basic conversation. Unless you're mentally retarded, which you, I can clearly see from your discourse, are not.

Sure, some people will take more time than others, but every person with a moderately developed left hemisphere is able to learn another language up to a certain level.

onelegged (28 posts) • 0

"Most other places with large Chinese populations, don't speak Mandarin Chinese. Singapore being an exception. But even in Singa there is a mix of languages, and Mandarin is not the dominant language.'

Maybe at one time, but Canada has started to go Mandarin.
Malaysia has plenty of it too.
Taiwan is obvious.

Hong Kongese under the age of 30 can speak it, so in the future it will be more common there than it was before (lots of older Hong Kong folks can't speak mandarin).
Singapore I don't know about, I haven't been.

onelegged (28 posts) • 0

Dazzer's point hits home for me. I actually have to work for a living, and it is in an English speaking environment, where i must read, write, type and speak in English. I also have other time consuming responsibilities.

I can't afford to be a full time student, or to just hang out and burn mommy and daddy's money (OK a bit of bitterness there, but you get my point). I am not great at Chinese. I do speak it, but need more study, I am not a very impressive speaker, and am annoyed to catch flack from people who are lucky enough to not need English while living here.

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