GoKunming Forums

Baby travel papers

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

My Chinese wife and I had our first baby some months ago. We want to make him a Danish citizen which he qualifies for already. Thing is that we have to appear at the Danish embassy in Beijing or at the consulates in Guangzhou or Shanghai personally for them to be able to issue a passport to the baby. Now baby Alexander doesn't have a hukou nor are we planning to get him one hence he doesn't have a Chinese ID either apart from his birth certificate. Although the idea of a 2000 km road trip sounds intriguing it's not really an option but how do we fly with a baby without proper ID?

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

Sounds great if that's correct but are you sure? They always ask for either the Chinese ID car number or passport numbers when booking.

DesertRat (8 posts) • 0

Your baby can fly on a birth certificate until he/she is 2 years old then she will have to have an ID card or a passport. I am American and my wife is Chinese and we went on a family trip to shanghai this summer with our daughter. We used her birth certificate to get her plane ticket. It should work without any problems.

samsun (7 posts) • 0

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