GoKunming Forums

Dentist in Kunming

sheherazade (6 posts) • 0

Hi everyone,
a friend of mine who needs a dentist will soon be in km. she'd like to know if there's any dentist in town who can speak some english, and of course who give good services.
Do you know any?
Thank you very much!

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

Huiying dental clinic is an advertiser right here on GoKunming.


That's how I found them in the first place and I would not go anywhere else. The doctors (about six of them) all speak English although the receptionist does not.

I've seen three of the doctors here and even had work done checked by a teacher at the University of Toronto dental school who said it was excellent work. I trust them and recommend them.

bucko (696 posts) • 0

My good friend Li Ying is the owner of Huiying Dental. His background is that he learned his dentistry in London and does things "the western way". He is a very good dentist.
I'm not trying giving him a plug here, just thought you need to know of his training.
The other staff there are also quite good.

His office,at my suggestion, has been remodeled to nice western standards. Private rooms for patients, clean and good equipment.....now of Li Ying will ever find lead aprons for xrays, he'll have it dialed in. haha

mamadavid (16 posts) • 0

Can anyone tell me if Huiying dental clinic still exists and if so its address / phone number. Any recommendations of other good dentists in Kunming?

xiaococo (53 posts) • 0

Thank you, I need a wisdom tooth removed :) I can't get the link to work, does anybody know the address by any chance?

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