GoKunming Forums

Is there an English arcademy for adult?

ZILCH321 (3 posts) • 0

I want to study English but can't find english arcademy for adult(I just saw english for kids T.T)
Does anyone know english arcademy in Kunming?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

If you are serious about study, then you will find willing teachers. Most of us hate kids who don't want to learn.
As long as you are able to pay properly.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

There are many foreigners in Kunming now. Not so many teachers though.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Just to drive home the point that not every foreigner is a teacher, below is a response I received from an advertisement placed on this site. The name has been removed by me but the rest is exactly the response I received


Im **** I red your post on gokunming that you interested in english teacher, are you still looking for one?


This guy could have been Chinese I admit but I could trawl through my email and bring up no end of howlers from European and North American 'English Teachers'.

If you want to know why rates are low around Kunming it's often because local 'schools' will hire this bunch of Charlatans just as long as they look foreign.

samkelv (4 posts) • 0

@nnoble. i am an english teacher but not native speaker,i get 10,000 rmb per month.stop your bullshit anybody can get good money than you even if you are english native.understand this english do not come from heaven.dont think if you are english native you are everything.bullshit.period.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Precisely my main point SAMKELV.

1. Not every foreigner is an English teacher.
2. You don't have to be a 'foreigner' to be an English teacher.

Students should choose a good Chinese teacher over a poor foreign teacher any day. The standard of English would be foremost in my mind.

I've argued consistently on this site that too many good students in Kunming get a very bad deal when it comes to learning and ZILCH321 shouldn't contribute toward 10,000 RMB salaries for a private teacher UNLESS it's value for money.

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