GoKunming Forums

Vietnamese 'Pho' Noodles? anywhere?

oyarsa (17 posts) • 0

In the past year or so looks like a few people have already asked this question but I thought I would try again.

In North America there are Vietnamese restaurants everywhere, but being this close to Vietnam there seem to be none.

Has anyone stumbled across any here in Kunming?

There is one dish in particular called "Bun" that I have consistently craved for the last 6 years...

Here's a recipe in case anyone wants to try and find ingredients (I've tried to find fish sauce before with no luck):


Thanks for reading!

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

@oyarsa: You do realize Yunnan is adjacent to vietnam...you MAY wish to satisfy your craving across the border and perhaps even enjoy some cross cultural exchange. Pho etc in Kunming (can't remember where I last saw V food) is considered foreign food and comes at a premium price...which shocked me.

oyarsa (17 posts) • 0

@laotou It took me awhile but I did figure out Yunnan bordered Vietnam. I'll ask again, does anyone know where to get this in Kunming or even fish sauce in Kunming? Thanks anyway laotou.

LaChris (5 posts) • 0

What kind of "fish sauce"??
There are a big varaity in the "import sections" of the supermarkets - try Parkson's, METRO, Carrefour, WallMart.
Have seen quite a few brands, but never bought any - and I know you don't mean "oyster sauce" - right?!

oyarsa (17 posts) • 0

@lachris Not really sure I need a specific kind of fish sauce, I'll look closer in the import sections of the big supermarkets, that's one place I haven't looked, thanks

yeong (8 posts) • 0

i bought a bottle of fish sauce last year from Carrefour on Beijing road ( :

It was made in Thailand and the taste was alright actually.

it's called 鱼露(Yu Lu) in Chinese, costed me around RMB 10 for the
huge bottle. I saw the same one in the local market near by
my house yesterday. It shouldn't be a problem to find it ( :

mehnyaa (52 posts) • 0

Hey,you can get fish sauce at Wicker basket on the north side too..
I recently found some vietnamese dried noodle/pad thai noodle at a local market. 1 kg is only RMB5 . Unbelievable!

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