Hi all. I'm finally fed up with my gmail. Manipulated, stalled, components disabled...I'm just done... Does anyone out there have a nifty neato new alternative? Please don't suggest hotmail or yahoo. I'm looking for something reliable yet maybe under the radar that has a chat/video chat function like gmail.
Thanks for any suggestions!
Bear in mind that qq is probably (unconfirmed, just suspected) even more invasive into your privacy than gmail - but, it's free, has english menus, and english IM, qq chat, etc (video chat not available for mac, last time I checked). If you don't need the english crutch - 126.com, sina.com, etc (but qq comes with IM). QQ also has webmail, but no googledocs equivalent (that I know of).
Gaoxing - if you're trawling - qq also has a web dating site that you MAY find interesting...rock star abilities depends on your own abilities though.
If you're willing to outsource video chatting to Skype for the moment, I could recommend zoho. They're an Indian or Californian company specializing on integrated business solutions, GoogleApps like. They offer almost the same functionality (with one drawback, "Writer" is blocked in China for licensing reasons. A Chinese company purchased the sole "Writer" rights for China and won't allow the English labled product. But you can go around this problem by activating SSL encryption on Zoho). Their address is www.Zoho.com
Give it a try, I am thinking of forwarding all my Email there... just to make sure.
I use both Zoho and Gmail. I´ve had times where Zoho acted strange also, although it's not nearly as common as Gmail.
Your best bet is to just use VPN(virtual private network). Cheap ones aren't too hard to find for about 10 USD a month. I'd stay away from really popular ones though as the government will block them.
I just signed up for mail at gmx.com. A couple of techie sites recommended it, and it seems pretty great so far. It imports your gmail mail, too, so you don't have to cancel your old account. And, if you have tree-huggin tendencies, it seems that the company's servers are run with renewable energy!