GoKunming Forums

Do Kunming Drivers Know they are Inconsiderate and Dangerous

Alexez (349 posts) • 0

there are kinda different rules here. I ve noticed that its normal here to do U-turn or turn to any side without looking at the back. Somehow is expected ( from U ) to focuse also on vehicle in fornt of you and avoid any colision if "He" does whatever desires. They never look behind when changing a direction. My gf has a driving licence from Shenzhen and She is good driver, but on bicycle just dong give sh**. I was freaked out couple times when crossing the road with her. Strange, country with long and famous history of bikes and still dont know how to cycle ( dont even mention the low seats which makes back bended an suffer ) .Also drivers joining the main road (specialy el.bikes ) they dont really turn their had to look what is on the road which they are going on. Happened to me many times, when they jumped in frond of me, although I thought I was on the main rd. I have to admit, Ive learned to do some agressive moves with my bicycle to move trought the busy city, but putting my self in danger, rather somebody else. I ve learned to follow the speed of cars in the city and zipp in or "fly" between. I always look at driver 1st before I do something like that to make sure He/She sees me and indicate turns by hand. But still dangerous. We r going to get car soon and I think Im just going to go out of KM early morning and go back late night. I was driving in SZ and some cities around, but KM is mess! real mess!

culture (51 posts) • 0

basically lots of these go back the the root of culture, ignoring others and hurting themselves at the same time, sometimes i just think they don't care about their life, that is ignorance! the worse thing i see all the time on the road is they text messaging while operating their ebike block everyone behind them and not looking at the road or pedestrians at all, it is one thing to talk on the phone, but text is dangerous! i simply do not know which is more important, a quick turn without looking, a text message to a friend, or your life! all in all, i just cant ever understand why they can just not have this common sense for them and safety of other. and when you beep at them they look at you and even yell at you acting like, why you beeping, what is wrong with you? how non sense is that?

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

Yeah I wish I could reach out and grab their phone and throw it away. If you must check your phone, do it when you are stopped at a junction!

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

As for driver's on their mobile phones, while driving, walking, in the middle of meetings, etc ad infinitum - "is the phone your slave or are you the slave of your phone?"

Most are slaves to their phones - why would anyone try to communicate with someone with that kind of mentality?

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

IMHO: cellphones, especially those with a thousand or so functions, are twinky and have a tendency to promote twinky behaviour anywhere, which becomes dangerous in a motor vehicle.

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