GoKunming Forums

Do Kunming Drivers Know they are Inconsiderate and Dangerous

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

All irrelevant to the OP. - Nice distraction from an unverified member. The OP has not commented on this forum in over 2 years. At least Magnifico was honest enough to admit he was not verified since the topic has shifted to Neddy with all his aliases. I just cant understand why people have to hide and conceal themselves with many different names. Every thread on this forum changes topic (deteriorates) sooner or later.

neddy (277 posts) • 0

An incestuous group of angry expats attacking anyone who dare defend China. Back on topic, please.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Crazylaowai = tommann = mmteacher= latataille = Neddy - 5 lives used - 4 lives left on this cat

This topic???

neddy (277 posts) • 0

HFCAMPO, the topic of this thread. Also, since you seem so sure of yourself, what is your evidence of who I or anyone am/is here?

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Your constant failure to deny this claim when 3 different people have blatantly called you mmteacher many times. If it was me, I would clearly have said a long time ago - That is not me!!! Additionally, your writing style and manner (Defender of Chinese culture and anyone who does not defend chinese culture is an arrogant colonist) of constant repetition is identical to mmteacher and the other 5 aliases used in the past.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Thanks for giving us the power to make you go away. I am sure you will be back since you can not stay away just like neddy keeps coming back like MacArthur. You are Not the first to say you are leaving and then return. I dont think anyone will cry upon learning of your departure.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

Russians driving and reacting exactly like drivers here:


lesterness (57 posts) • 0

Oh, I don't know. I was hit by US drivers 4-5 times when crossing the streets there, once hard enough to be tossed across the road and into the ditch. The driver watched to see me get up, mouthed "I'm sorry" and zoomed off. I've never been hit by a chinese drivers in more that 15 years crossing streets in China.

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