GoKunming Forums

A new resource for foreign teachers

Xiefei (539 posts) • 0


Someone has set up a new website where you can compare teacher salaries in various places/positions across China. If you're looking for work, it can help you negotiate for your salary. If you already have a teaching job, fill out the survey (it's anonymous) to help out other folks.


El Macho (1 post) • 0

Hey, thanks for the link. I'm the guy who put that site together. Like Xiefei says, the site's completely anonymous and also completely free.

I have plans to dramatically improve the site over the next few months...I didn't want to dedicate too much time for it until I saw if people would be interested in it or not. It's only been live since Saturday and has already gotten a pretty good amount of traffic, so it is something that I'll start dedicating time (and probably a bit of money) to improving.

Like hedgepig suggests, I'd like to get a map interface on there as well as a "Is this a good salary" wizard that will let new teachers know if the salary they are being offered is a good one.

Any other suggestions or feedback is welcome. I've put the site together basically just as a way to help out the FT community in China – it's so hard to find reliable information about pay that it seemed like this was needed.


Madguitarist (4 posts) • 0

Got it up and running but i see Beijing is 4500 rmb. I don't know a single person who makes this unless they are working about 5-7 hours a week only. ive pulled 10,000 rmb on average a month without working a sweat at all.

and 150 an hour is for someone who hasn't been here very long. 200 is going rate now.

Ouyang (243 posts) • 0

Looks ok, but there is a lot more than salary and working hours to consider. A small comment section for things like curriculum provided, and scheduling (or complete lack thereof) would be good. Not to mention insurance and housing accommodations.

I mean on the table. Maybe a small checkbox that's displayed for insurance, and housing.

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