GoKunming Forums

Toastmasters International Kunming-How to find us!

Toastmaster (1 post) • 0

Our meeting will be at 203 Wenlin Street (文林街), near the intersection of Wenlin Street (文林街东段) and Green Lake Street (翠湖北路东段).It is called Julius Meinl Bookstore. Look for the big black characters (卡夫卡).It is located high above street level at a bend in the road.

Time: 19:00 Every Thursday

It is called Julius Meinl Bookstore.

Look for the big black characters (卡夫卡).

It is located high above street level at a bend in the road.

Ting^_^ (1 post) • 0

Hi there

I was wondering do u still hold the meeting every thursday??
I just see this ad and wanna join in^^
pls le me^^ know~~ thanks alot!

JJ and Janice (324 posts) • 0

Thanks for interest in Toastmasters.

Our new meeting place (and what a super place) is:
R-ISE Learning Center
15th Floor
Building A
EGO Center
900 Beijing Road

We gather at 7:00 and formal meeting starts at 7:30.

Guests always welcome.

If need furtehr info or directions, call:
JJ @159-694-15013 or

e-mail: jjf letcher168@yahoo.com


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